Friday, July 18

Love | Peace

Today is International Nelson Mandela Day!

This man was the walking epitome of grace, patience, forgiveness, and humility. He was a shining example of how we should treat our fellow man - with love, respect and kindness.

I am a firm believer that we can all have a profound effect on a person's life just by being open to one another without assumptions and without prejudice. A simple smile or hello, or a small act of kindness can make our society a much more pleasant place to navigate. I don't want to focus on the negative here, but there are so many situations that could be avoided if people would let go of their egos and stop being so defensive and ready to "right a wrong".

But, that's people!

We all have our quirks and off days, I just hope that we make an effort to relax and slow down. Let go of the attitudes and stray away from the ME-centric ways of living. Open up and be kind to one another. You never know how much of a difference you can make in a person's life by do so.

Here is one of my favorite Nelson Mandela quotes:

Quite profound and so very true.

Stay fancy my friends, be happy and be kind!

Saturday, July 12

I love Snacks!

Happy Saturday to you all!

As you can figure out by the title, I love snacks! Mostly of the caramely, sugary, chocolatey variety. You know, the ones that tempt you to indulge in their sweet sinful goodness and then turn around and leave you unfulfilled and with a muffin top?

Yeah, that kind.

So, in an effort to be more conscious and polite to myself, I have taken the initiative to indulge more in nature's variety. Not that I haven't before, I mean I love all things food, I just like the bad stuff equally as well as the healthy items. I can eat a sourdough cheese burger and enjoy it as well as a kale salad with beets and walnuts. The key thing is how each meal makes me feel afterwards - and that's the huge difference.

I LOVE the way my body feels when I eat well. It's instant validation as if my body is saying "hey thanks for that fun fuel! In return, here's some energy and vitality!"

So, really, that is the one thing that sways my decision between, for instance, eating a bowl of ice cream or having a bowl of cherries.

Eat well and stay fancy!

Monday, June 30


Courtesy of: SnapKnot

Yep, that pretty much sums it up! A quote by one of the most inspiring, gifted, and influential photographers in our lifetime. I absolutely love photography and will be sharing the good parts of life, as seen through my lens, with you all soon!

 Stay fancy!

Tuesday, June 24

Thrift Store Odyssey

Hey y'all!

 I took the time today to rediscover a couple of thrift stores in my area that I had not visited in a while. Who doesn't love thrifting? Well, I'm sure there are some people who will just not at all purchase anything that has been owned or used by someone else, but whatever, that just means more pickin's for me! 

Anyway, I went to my local Humane Society Thrift store just to see what was new as well as in hopes to find a cute vintage tea kettle just to have on display in my kitchen. I was not successful in that venture but I did manage to score some pretty cool scarves along my journey. 

I love scarves. I have since I was in elementary school. Back then, I used to tie them around my wrist to make a cute little bracelet. In middle school, I tied them on my handbags because I thought I was fancy. By the time I had gotten to high school, I would tie them into bows around my neck and wear with oxford shirts just to look super cool and not like all the other girls :). I looked like a walking Ralph Lauren advertisement. Oh and no, I was not a snob at all.
Far from it. 
I promise.
Now, I wear them in all of those ways mentioned as well as in my hair for the days you just can't with your hair - you know what I mean! I've also worn them as belts and as a pseudo vest by belting them over a cute top. 

Scarves just tie the whole outfit together so well. You can go from boho chic to sophisticated city girl all by the method in which you fashion the scarf. They are a total must-have in any lady's wardrobe. 

Here are the three I picked up today:  

Aren't they awesome! And get this, they were only .75 cents each! Like, yeah. I found the red, yellow, and green (the middle scarf) one first. It was so striking to me. I love the vibrant colors and the pattern instantly made me think of a Ralph Lauren design. I would totally pair this with one of his riding jackets that I have been swooning over for such a long time. One just like this one: 

Town & Country Chic
Ralph Lauren Riding Jacket - WANT!

Ok, so would not that .75 cent scarf finish off this outfit so beautifully? Not that I am at all qualified to enhance a seasoned designer's design, but you know, it would add a little punch! 
Add a cute handbag and you are all set to go. The riding jacket that I really wanted was a gorgeous cognac color with elbow patches (love elbow patches!), but I believe it has since been discontinued. 

Not to leave out the other scarves, I am a sucker for florals and those two are absolutely stunning. I can imagine wearing light blue floral one with a cute day-dress and wedges and the black floral scarf with a pair of jeans, tank and a blazer in grey or lavender - LOVE! 

Also on my travels, I happened upon a table full of vintage and vintage-looking plates, bowls and tea sets (no tea kettles). Then my eyes laser-focused on the cutest plates I've seen so far:

Yeah, I know. So stinkin' cute!! These are stoneware plates, which I love because they remind me of the plates my mom had when I was growing up - hefty and rustic. I love stoneware because they are so easy to take care of and use. You can place them in the oven and microwave and they are not so delicate that you have to exclusively handwash them - just put these puppies right in the dishwasher and your done.

These are so lovely! Oh, and they were only a dollar each! On the back of the plates it states that these are "Upsy Daisy" made by Premier. I am crazy about the little daisies etched onto them and I adore the little speckling throughout that is characteristic of stoneware dishes. Now I am on a quest to find more of this little set because it just so adorably "granny chic"!

This is the exact reason why I love going out to thrift stores and browsing around. It's like going on a treasure hunt. There is always going to be something that catches your eye or triggers a memory or simply completes an outfit you already have at home. 

What surprises have you found that brightened your day? 

Saturday, June 21

First Day of Summer

So, today is the official first day of Summer!
That means this day should be full of seemingly endless sunshine for glowy bronzed skin, warm breezes to relish during an afternoon stroll, and lazy nights filled with whatever you fancy.

What a perfect day to start a new blog.

On this summer day, I am definitely fancying watermelon. As the season nears, I know that there is a rare treat that awaits me. I'm like a child waiting for Christmas morning, eager to indulge in one of my favorite fruits of all time. Sure there's blueberries and raspberries and peaches, and they are delicious, but there is just something so refreshingly light and satisfying about watermelon. I equate it to eating cold, crunchy, lightly sweetened water.





I love it and it makes me feel giddy. I don't even mind if a trickle of juice runs down my chin while eating it - that means you're eating it right! Ha!

I hope you take today to enjoy something that you love. Whether it's a cup of exotic tea, a play session with your pet or quiet time exploring a new book (or blog), fully immerse yourself in things that make your heart smile. .

Stay fancy!